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5.3.2 upgrade to 5.3.3 documentation

version change

5.3.3 Version Changes

Console upgrade

  1. Execute the sql upgrade script

    • If the console is allinone started, do the following

      docker exec -it rainbond-allinone bash
      curl | bash
    • If the console is installed through the application market, after entering the Rainbond-console component, execute the following command

      curl | bash
  2. upgrade console

    • If the console is allinone started, do the following

      docker stop rainbond-allinone && docker rm rainbond-allinone

      # The parameters of this command must be the same as the rainbond-allinone container you started earlier.
      docker run -d -p 7070:7070 -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v ~/rainbonddata:/app/data \
      --name=rainbond-allinone --restart=always \
    • If the console is installed through the application market, enter the console application, and choose to upgrade to version 5.3.3 on the upgrade page.

  3. Precautions

    • Since version 5.3.3 has refactored the third-party components, after the upgrade, the original third-party components may experience abnormal external services. Please upgrade with caution.New third-party components can be re-dependent to resolve.

Data Center Upgrade

  1. Data center side upgrade

    1. Update grctl command

      docker run -it --rm -v /:/rootfs copy

      mv /usr/local/bin/rainbond-grctl /usr/ local/bin/grctl && grctl install
    2. Execute the upgrade command

      grctl cluster upgrade --new-version=v5.3.3-release