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Application Market Function Description

Enterprise middle platform application market

This article expounds the concept of the application market to help users better understand the Rainbond enterprise middle-end application market.

What is an app market

The application market is a storage, sharing, delivery, and management approach for Rainbond applications defined by Rainbond.

Component library

The difference between the Rainbond application market and the traditional mirror warehouse is that it defines a standard cloud-native application model that supports large-scale and distributed digital business systems based on the support of storage systems such as mirror warehouses, package warehouses, and object storage. The model provides a series of business support such as creation, release, storage, delivery, installation, and upgrade. Internally, it can be used as a business management platform for sharing business systems and middleware created by enterprises in a convenient and flexible way, and externally, it can be built according to industry characteristics. The industry is the basis for delivery standards, delivery processes and delivery paths. The biggest advantage of the application market is that it covers not only service components and applications (business systems), but even solutions can support one-click sharing, one-click installation and use. Great convenience for users, just install and use, covering almost all users, not just technical personnel.

Based on Rainbond's source code, mirroring and other means to create 1-N service components to form a business system, an application model can be built with one click and released to the application market, serving different business scenarios according to different scenario requirements and visibility levels .